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What my previous patients say about me

The satisfaction and well-being of my patients is my top priority. I am honored that many of you would like to share your positive experiences with my practice. Read some of the words of appreciation left by past patients and see for yourself the quality and care I put into every treatment.

I fell out of a tree years ago and was in a coma for several weeks. I am right-handed and my right elbow was completely fused at a right angle at the time. When I was discharged from hospital, I realized that I could no longer do everyday things like eat or wash. In my search for help, I came across Prof. Hart, who was the only one who dared to perform a demanding operation. With the help of a fixator, I managed to restore my joint using an external fixator. Today I can do all the normal things like other healthy people without much pain and, above all, I can look after myself.

Roman Lang
past patient

For many years I had pain due to a curved and worn spine and they didn't want to operate on me anywhere. I keep a lot of parrots and could no longer look after them. The doctor at the clinic in Prague advised me to try my luck with Professor Hart. He almost straightened my spine and screwed it together from the shoulder blades to the sacrum. My pain has eased considerably and thanks to Professor Hart I can continue to keep my parrots.

Jana Kasalova
past patient

My orthopaedic surgeon sent me to Professor Hart and said that if he didn't help me, nobody would. When I was young, I played a lot of soccer and often injured my ankle. When I turned forty, my ankle started to hurt and gradually became deformed. I wanted to stay active and not have my ankle stiff. Professor Hart made me an artificial joint and I have enjoyed a pain-free life for many years. I have climbed Kilimanjaro and Machu Picchu without any problems...

Lukas Koller
past patient

For a long time I had neck pain that shot up into my left hand. My family doctor found signs of wear and tear on three cervical discs with two herniations. I consulted two neurosurgeons who offered to stiffen my spine. But I wanted to keep moving my neck. Professor Hart offered me an early appointment for an operation in which he replaced the worn discs with artificial ones so that I can continue to move my neck as before and the pain in my hand has gradually disappeared. Professor Hart's approach is very professional and I can highly recommend treatment with him.

Anna Cerna
past patient

My son's leg began to shorten as a child and his foot gradually turned outwards. At the age of ten, he began to limp and developed knee pain. Professor Hart gradually lengthened his lower leg and pointed his foot forward again. Today my son is already an adult and there are no signs that he has ever had any problems with his leg. I often think of Dr. Hart ...

Marie Novakova
Mother of a patient

Years ago I had severe knee pain due to wear and tear on the joint. Everywhere I went I was offered an artificial joint. Professor Hart was the only one who offered me another option - he stretched my knee with an external fixator for several weeks. It's now been almost ten years and I can only feel my knee after heavy exertion and don't think about an endoprosthesis at all. A big thank you to Professor Hart for saving my joint.

Adam Prochazka
past patient

I broke my femur above the knee in a motorcycle accident. I had several operations in a trauma hospital. A large part of my femur was gone and I couldn't bend my knee at all. At the accident hospital, they didn't know what to do with me, so they sent me to Professor Hart. He ordered part of the knee from the bone bank and added the missing part of the joint during the operation, restoring movement in my knee. Today I work without any major problems and can devote myself fully to my children.

David Cech
past patient

I had a hip replacement and I wasn't happy with it - I was in pain, limped and had to use crutches. I went to see Professor Hart, he sent me for an MRI and found that a gluteal muscle was the cause. He replaced my affected muscle with another gluteal muscle. Nowadays I only take a walking stick with me for long walks. I am very satisfied with the operation and Professor Hart's approach. I can therefore only recommend his support.

Daniel Sobol
past patient

Five years ago, my legs became so weak within a few months that I couldn't even walk ten meters. An MRI showed pinched nerves in my spine. Professor Hart soon operated on me, freed my nerves and screwed my aching spine together. Since then I have been walking as before and without pain. Professor Hart is one of the few orthopaedic surgeons who can help everyone.

Petr Dvorak
past patient

After a fall on the ice, I suffered a broken elbow. After this was operated on in hospital, I caught an infection in the wound. I underwent two more difficult operations and the result was an immobile, fully extended and painful elbow. Professor Hart restored the mobility of my elbow and replaced the large damaged part of the joint with a transplant from a donor. Thanks to him, I now have a flexible elbow again, am pain-free and can devote myself fully to work, family and sport again. He is a professional with a human approach.

Andrea Böhmova
past patient

I used to work as a nurse in a hospital. Some time ago, my then 13-year-old son's whole leg started to turn outwards and he began to walk like Charlie Chaplin, accompanied by pain in his groin. I have asked Primarius Hart for help. He noticed that my son's hip joint was twisted backwards. He corrects this rare clinical picture in a complex operation. At the last X-ray check 6 years ago, the operated hip joint finally looked like a normal joint. My son is doing well today. I no longer work in healthcare, but thanks to Primarius Hart I won't let orthopaedics go.

Josef Kucera
Father of a patient

Due to my diabetes, I suffered from increasing deformation of my foot over the years. At some point I began to walk on the inside edge of the foot, causing chronic sores to form. The result was recurring infections.
All the doctors I visited wanted to amputate my foot on the lower leg. My diabetologist made an appointment with Professor Hart. Even though I had to drive over 400 km to visit him, I don't regret it. Professor Hart straightened my foot at the ankle and fixed it with an external fixator. When the infection in the defect had healed, he replaced the fixator with a nail. Although I cannot move my ankle, I have been walking without crutches and without pain for over fifteen years now.

Lucie Dvorska
past patient